Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kids' Bedrooms

Teenage Daughter's Room

Many closets come with a built-in shelving unit.  This one didn't so for about $10 we installed a plastic unit.  Bins on the unit hold smaller items together like socks, nylons, slips.

Hooks inside a closet door for jackets is a good way to use extra space.

 Scrapbook supplies are tucked neatly away in three-drawer bin sets under a desk.

Night stand. Little bins help organize the mass of lipgloss, bookmarks, lotions, pens and highlighters, church handouts, and friend notes.  Use labels if you find it hard to remember what goes where.  Another way to organized these small items is small plastic drawer units.

 Photo boxes hold projects in-process for this craft loving girl.

 For Christmas each year I buy myself a calendar with some kind of Christ-oriented paintings on it.  After saving these for several years our kids were able to choose their favorite Jesus prints and we framed them on their bedroom walls.  A wonderful site to see as they drift off to sleep.

 Tween Daughter's Room

 A few Jesus pictures on her wall.

Hooks inside a walk-in-closet.  Learn from my mistake and don't use these cheap garage hooks to hold jackets and bags.  They fall off too easily.  We'll probaby replace them someday.

Teenage Son's Room

Make good use of a smallish closet by using a shelving unit, shoe bag, laundry hamper, and bins.

 A bulletin board to help teenagers remember what matters most to them.

My son LOVES these three-drawer units.  He loves using them to organize his school stuff, scout stuff, church stuff, personal stuff, CD's, and so on.

Twin Sons' Room
A rule of thumb is that the easier you make it to do a task, the more likely people are to do it.  Take kids making their beds.  The top sheet usually ends up stuffed at the foot of the bed, and the covers are disheveled.  We've discovered a few tricks that make bed-making quick and tidy.

1) Buy a package of large safety pins (a size down from diaper pins) and pin the top sheet to the comforter and/or blanket(s).
2) Tightly tuck all the covers (top sheet, blanket, and comforter) on the bottom and the wall-side of the bed.  We buy comforters a size too big to accomodate tucking.
3) Teach your children to just grab the corner and pull it to the top corner of the bed.

 Inexpensive frames are a fun way for kids to display their own artwork.

Although we keep most kids' toys in a central toy area, we use some plastic bins under beds to hold special things like blankies and stuffed animals.

Each of the twins has their own half of the closet.  Hooks for jackets and backpacks, and shoe bags hang inside each closet door.  This son prefers to hang his clothes.  On the floor are bins for underwear, socks, pajamas, and shorts.  The box on the shelf are clothes they're growing into.  That's a good idea for any kid's closet, as well as a box of clothes they're growing out of, if you're saving the hand-me-downs for the next child down or for a neighbor.

His brother prefers bins for his clothes, so they're labeled with pictures of what goes where.  The top hanging bar is too high for them to reach, so we use it for their church clothes and Dad's army uniforms.

We utilize the top shelf of this closet by storing emergency kits.

We like for inexpensive posters of scripture heroes, like Lehi with the fruit and Samuel the Lamanite on the wall, pictured here.  Then you can watch for 50% off sales on poster frames at craft stores.

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